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B2B Global Marketing
  Q&A - 
How can I send letters to buyers if I am interested in some tradeleads?
Members of our Commerce Online website will start to receive Inquiry or Trade Lead mails while they join our member club.

Here is the clarification between Inquiry or Trade Lead mails. Inquiry mails are the mails in which buyers find your company on our Commerce website and intend to ask certain inquiries or questions so as to have the business and keep contact with you.

On the other hand, Trade Lead mails are the ones buyers post their request online and look for suppliers around the world. In this case, buyers don’t have specific preferences with regard to companies they want. Therefore, Commerce Online will help those buyers to send their requests to other sellers so as to enhance the cooperation between buyers and sellers.

If you intend to enjoy our services, we suggest that you can join our member club. It depends on your demand while
you are wondering which kind of member you would like to be. More importantly, if you join our member club and become our paid members, it will enhance the opportunity of success regarding your cooperation with other buyers.

like to know member club http://www.commerce.com.tw/modules.php?modules=memberclub
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