The Company Profile of Qingzhou Yuanhua Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd.
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Qingzhou Yuanhua Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd.

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Qingzhou Yuanhua Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd. The Yuanhua owner started the business by build a jet suction dredger for fishpond desilting just over 20 years ago. We started out very small . As Yuanhua grow over the years we gained more building technique and operational experience, we started to supply various of dredging equipments ,such as cutter suction dredger, bucket chain dredger, gold dredger ,sand mining dredger, waterweeds harvest, sand processing line,sand washing and sieving machine,mining separator etc. We also independent research and development of Drilling Suction Dredger, more efficient for deep-water sand mining. We believe in great client service and excellent product quality. And building customer relationships, we still on service for our first client since 1994.
dredger, dredge, dredging, dredge ship, suction dredge, cutter suction dredge, jet suction dredge, bucket chain dredger, drilling dredger, sand dredge, mining dredge, dredging equipments, pump dredge, dredge float, dredge vessel, sand mining dredge, gold dredge, iron dredge mining, sand processing machine, ladder dredge

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Company :  Qingzhou Yuanhua Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd.
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
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Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Bucket Chain Dredger With Trommel Screen For Sand Processing
2. High Capacity Drilling Sand Dredger For Reasonable Price
3. Jet Pump Dredger For Minerals Dredging From China Supplier
4. Mining Equipments Of Sand Processing Line With Dredging Machinery
5. River Dredging Equipment Of Hydraulic Dredger Ship
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