Necero Optic Fiber and Cable Co., Ltd – Product Catalog
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Necero Optic Fiber and Cable Co., Ltd

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1.    Fiber optic cable,GYXY, Unitube Non-armored Cable

Fiber optic cable,GYXY, Unitube Non-armored Cable


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Product description:
1. loose tube made of a high modulus plastic.
2. water-resistant filling compound.
3. two parallel steel wires.
4. polyethylene (PE) outer jacket.

Good mechanical and temperature performance

2.    Fiber optic cable,GYTS, Stranded Loose Tube Light-armored Cable

Fiber optic cable,GYTS, Stranded Loose Tube Light-armored Cable


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Product description:
1. loose tube made of a high modulus plastic.
2. water-resistant filling compound.
3. a metallic strength member sometimes sheathed with polyethylene (PE) for cable with high fiber count.
4. tubes (and fillers) are ...
3.    Fiber optic cable,GYTA,Stranded Loose Tube Non-armored Cable

Fiber optic cable,GYTA,Stranded Loose Tube Non-armored Cable


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Product description:
1. loose tube made of a high modulus plastic.
2. water-resistant filling compound.
3. metallic strength member, sometimes sheathed with polyethylene (PE) for cable with high fiber count.
4. tubes (and fillers) are stranded ...
4.    Fiber optic cable,JET, Unitube Non-metallic Micro Cable

Fiber optic cable,JET, Unitube Non-metallic Micro Cable


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Product description:
1. a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic.
2. filled with a water-resistant filling compound.
3. A layer of aramid yarn or high strength glass.
4. HDPE outer jacket

Non-mental design can ...
5.    Fiber optical cable, GYXTW, Unitube light-armored Cable, Single mode/Multi mode

Fiber optical cable, GYXTW, Unitube light-armored Cable, Single mode/Multi mode


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Product description:
1. loose tube made of a high modulus plastic;
2. water-resistant filling compound;
3. wrapped with a layer of steel tape;
4. water-blocking material applied to keep compact and watertight;
5. two parallel steel ...

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