The Company Profile of Acewits Electronics Limited
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Acewits Electronics Limited

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Acewits manufacture Ultrasonic Wireless Smart Scale. Acewits use ultrasonic to transmit your weight to free APP, instead of bluetooth or wifi. Amazingly, Ultrasonic smart scale is much cheaper than bluetooth smart scale and wifi smart scale, with full function. Acewits are innovative in smart bathroom scales.

Acewits build free APP in iOS and Google Play and can make custom tailored APP with your logo free for you.

Acewits factory is run by 300 staffs including 230 worker. Acewits consist of SMT, bonding, assembly line in house. Daily production output is 1000pcs.

In order to well control the quality of production process, Acewits assigns a 20-staff QC Group to control the whole process of materials purchasing, production, finished-products inspection, and packaging for supplying worldwide partners with fine scales under reliable and trusty quality.
Acewits Ultrasonic Smart Scale, Health Scale APP, Scales
Scale, weight scales, digital scales, electronic scales,
fitbit login, withings, tanita, fitbit aria, fitbit scale,
aria scale, smart scale, withings scale, withings smart body analyzer, aria wi-fi smart scale, scales for sale, weighing scales, weight scale,bathroom scales, bathroom scale,

  Contact information
Company :  Acewits Electronics Limited
Email:  Contact us
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Acewits AS-10 Ultrasonic Body Composition Analyzer
2. Acewits Full Body Composition Analyzer
3. Acewits High Precision Digital Bathroom Scale
4. Acewits Ultrasonic Smart Body Analyzer
5. Weight Digital Bathroom Scale With Large Backlit LCD And Smartphone Tracking
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