The establishment of Xiazhai Honey Pomelo Association on 4th sept. 2012 , makes a great meaningful progress to the management of our pomelo industry.
The pacts and rules set up by the association is on the purpose to get the relevant policy of the pomelo industry proceeded smoothly, to make sure the business goes in the honest way, to protect its reputation, and to keep the marketing competition openly and fairly.
Zhou Ronghe, the chairman of the association acknowledged: “ we will contribute to supply the details information of the marketing, useful data and specification to our members concerning demanded products, to deal well with the member-relationship avoiding the illegal competition, to achieve the great service from the production to selling with high quality control and management”
With the establishment of the association, we can strengthen the tracking and researching to domestic and external marketing, the policy and the trading to explore the marketing on one hand, and can keep eyes on the members to get them deal the business honestly, do more trainings, instruct them to use scientific management and then get the common benefit between the industry and the fruit makers in another hand