The Company Profile of Weifang Zhengyuan Powder Engineering Equipment Co.,Ltd
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Weifang Zhengyuan Powder Engineering Equipment Co.,Ltd

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  Company Description
Zhengyuan Powder Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd is a manufacturer which is specialized to produce all kinds of powder progressing equipments. With the rich knowledge and experiences in producing and applying fields of equipment, the main technology is the first in the world and the enterprise scale is leading among the companies in this industry. There are two trial base in Shanghai and Weifang. Our main products are Impact Mill, Roll Crusher, Rotor Mill, Cutting Mill, Cyclonic Jet Mill, Air Fluidized Jet Mill, Air Classifiers, Superfine Classifying Ball Mill and Powder Surface Modification Machine, about one thousand of grinding and classifying lines have been used both at home and abroad. There are large machining center and assembly center, one lab equipped with the advanced Malvern Mastersizer2000, large trial rooms where more than 40 sets equipments are installed for 1:1 industrial trial for you at any time.
jet mill, jet classifier, impact mill, ball mill, wet type superfine mill, lab mill

  Contact information
Company :  Weifang Zhengyuan Powder Engineering Equipment Co.,Ltd
Email:  Contact us
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Cutting Pulverizer
2. Cyclonic Jet Classifier
3. Cyclonic Jet Mill And Classifier
4. Self-Diffluent Classifier
5. Wet Ultrafine Grinding Machine
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