The Company Profile of shaanxi origin plant co.,ltd
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shaanxi origin plant co.,ltd

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2 White Peony Extract Paeoniflorin 4% HPLC
4 赤勺提取物 Red Peony Extract Paeoniforin 10% HPLC
6 刺五加提取物 Siberian Ginseng Extract Eleutherosides B+E 0.8% HPLC
7 当归提取物 Angelica Extract Ligustilide 1% HPLC
9 贯叶连翘提取物 St. John's Wort Extract Hypericins 0.3% UV
10 荷叶提取物 Folium Nelumbinis Extract Nuciferine 2% HPLC
12 黄芪提取物 Astragalus Extract Polysaccharides 40% & Astragalosides0.3% UV & HPLC
13 黄杨木提取物 Smoketree Extract Fisetin 10%,50%,98% HPLC
16 龙胆提取物 Chinese Gentian Extract Gentiopicrin 4% HPLC
17 荨麻提取物 Nettle Root Extract Silic Acid 1% UV
20 山药提取物 Wild Yaw Extract Diosgenine 8% 20% HPLC
21 山楂提取物 Hawthorn Extract Flavnones 2% UV
22 生姜提取物 Ginger Root Extract Gingerols 5% HPLC
23 石榴皮提取物 Pomegranate Extract Ellagec Acid 2% 40% HPLC
26 问荆提取物 Horsetail Extract Silica 7% HPLC
27 香菇提取物 Shitake Mushroom Extract Polysaccharides 10% UV
28 燕麦提取物 Oat Extract Avenacin 10% UV
30 枳实提取物 Bitter Orange Extract Synephrine 6% HPLC
1 紫草素shikonin 30% HPLC
14 绞股蓝提取物 Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Extract
1 南瓜子提取物 Pumpkin P.E. 10:1 TLC
1 蔓荆子提取物 Chasterberry P.E. 5:1, 10:1 TLC
2 苦瓜提取物 10:1 TLC
2 地黄提取物 Chinese-Glove Root P.E. 5:1 , 10:1 TLC
3 鼠李皮提取物 Cascara Sagrada Bark P.E. 5:1,10:1 TLC
3 肉桂提取物 Cinnaman Bark P.E. 5:1, 10:1 TC
4 荆芥提取物 Herba Schizonepetae P.E. 10:1 TLC
4 荨麻提取物 Nettle Root P.E. 10:1 TLC
5 辣椒提取物 Capsicum P.E. 10:1 TLC
5 仙人掌提取物 Cactus P.E. 5:1 , 10:1 TLC
6 桑叶提取物 Mulberry Leaf P.E. 10:1 TLC
6 西番莲提取物 Passionflower P.E. 4;1,10:1 TLC
6 小米草提取物 Eyebright P.E 5:1 10:1 TLC
7 马齿苋提取物 Purslane P.E. 4;1,10:1 TLC
7 万寿菊提取Marigold Flower Petal P.E. 5:1 TLC
8 火麻仁提取物 Hemp Seed P.E 10:1 TLC
9 玉米须提取物 Corn Stigma P.E. 10:1 TLC
10 山楂果提取物 Hawthorn Berry P.E 6:1 TLC
10 龙胆提取物 Chinese Gentian P.E. 5:1 TLC
11 紫花苜蓿提取物 Alfalfa P.E. 5:1, 10:1 TLC
2 White Peony Extract Paeoniflorin 4% HPLC
4 赤勺提取物 Red Peony Extract Paeoniforin 10% HPLC
6 刺五加提取物 Siberian Ginseng Extract Eleutherosides B+E 0.8% HPLC
7 当归提取物 Angelica Extract Ligustilide 1% HPLC
9 贯叶连翘提取物 St. John's Wort Extract Hypericins 0.3% UV
10 荷叶提取物 Folium Nelumbinis Extract Nuciferine 2% HPLC
12 黄芪提取物 Astragalus Extract Polysaccharides 40% & Astragalosides0.3% UV & HPLC
13 黄杨木提取物 Smoketree Extract Fisetin 10%,50%,98% HPLC
16 龙胆提取物 Chinese Gentian Extract Gentiopicrin 4% HPLC
17 荨麻提取物 Nettle Root Extract Silic Acid 1% UV
20 山药提取物 Wild Yaw Extract Diosgenine 8% 20% HPLC
21 山楂提取物 Hawthorn Extract Flavnones 2% UV
22 生姜提取物 Ginger Root Extract Gingerols 5% HPLC
23 石榴皮提取物 Pomegranate Extract Ellagec Acid 2% 40% HPLC
26 问荆提取物 Horsetail Extract Silica 7% HPLC
27 香菇提取物 Shitake Mushroom Extract Polysaccharides 10% UV
28 燕麦提取物 Oat Extract Avenacin 10% UV
30 枳实提取物 Bitter Orange Extract Synephrine 6% HPLC
1 石榴皮提取物 Pomegranate P.E. Ellagic Acid 2% HPLC
2 刺五加提取物 Siberian Ginseng P..E. Eleutheroside B+E 0.8% HPLC
3 红景天提取物 Rhodiola Rosea P.E. Salidroside 3% HPLC
4 黑生麻提取物 Black Cohosh P.E. Triterpenoid Saponis 2.5% HPLC
Citrus Aurantium P. E , White Willow Bark P. E. , White Kidney Bean P. E. , Wolfberry P.E, Huperzia Serrate, Epimedium Extract, Tribulus Terrestris P.E, Belladonna Liquid Extract, Black Cohosh P.E, Cinnamon Bark P.E, Astragalus P.E.;, Boswellia Serrata P.E., , Gromwell Root P.E., Alfafa Extract ;, Siberian Ginseng P.E., Shitake Mushroom P.E., Cassia Nomame P.E., Oat P.E.;Oat Extract , Passionflower P.E.;, Red Peony P.E.

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Country :  China
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