The Company Profile of XinXing Casting Technique Development Department
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XinXing Casting Technique Development Department

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  Company Description
XinXing Technique Foundry is a company which concentrates on the development and study of casting technique on faucet and bathroom, the output of the complete set equipments and technique, a specialized technological enterprise on fabricating and developing casting mould. In the past several years, we have been devoting our mind to developing and studying the equipment and technology of faucet and bathroom casting and accumulated abundant experiences. The complete set equipments had passed through many-year production investigation, absorbed and improved on succeeded experiences continuously. So we possess equal quantity and function as the same kind of advanced equipments in the world, but the price is far less than the ones in the world. Our gravity casting mould, technique service, casting equipments, processing equipments, polishing equipments and casting assistant material etc. have been adopted by hundreds of Chinese business enterprises, meanwhile sold to Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Iran and Syria etc. Southeast Asian and Middle East nation, being obtained customers´high evaluation and trust deeply.
melting furnace, industry furnace, medium frequency melting furnace, electric melting furnace, gravity casting machine, core making machine, core shooter, continuous casting machine, CCM, investment casting, gravity casitng, sand casting

  Contact information
Company :  XinXing Casting Technique Development Department
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Faucet Production Line
2. Investment Casting Production Line
3. Metal Induction Melting Furnace
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