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Byc company

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Boyichuang Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. always leads the position of printing development from technology to machine,and we are in the center of the spotlight. The universal object printer developed by our company is the pride of the age. Multifunctional printer, flatbed printer, object color printer is a set of equipment including digital software, computer printing, mechanism, electronics, chemical materials and dedicated inks. Our company invest large amount of funds and manpower to solve a set of problems under cooperation with related research institution. Resort to our core technology and development ability, our products are always in the leading place. We will continue to work hard to provide you high quality multifunctional flatbed printer. Our flatbed printer, multifunctional printer adopts high precision data programming,precise infrared scanning and multi-position to make the image quality perfect. The accessores high precision makes our printer in the highest position.

Among products with similar quality, we have lower price; among similar prices, we have better quality; among similar quality, we have best service. Your satisfication is always our pursuit.we are pursuing the first brand without limit. Biyichuang will hold the same dream with you and go for success! Wish our advanced technology, high quality products, perfect service and competitive price be your bridge to our friendly cooperation!
Multifunctional printer, flatbed printer, object printer, digital printer, ink jet printer, equipment, mini printer, T-shirt printer, textile printer, garment printer, leather printer, plastic printer, glass printer, crystal printer, wooden printer, stone printer, acrylic printer

  Contact information
Company :  Byc company
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Country :  China
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1. A4 Format Flatbed Printer(byc168-1)
2. byc168 Flatbed Printer
3. byc168-4 A1 Super Format Inkjet Printer
4. byc168-5 A2 Super Format Inkjet Printer
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