The Company Profile of Beijing YaDong automatic car-washing equipment development LTD.
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Beijing YaDong automatic car-washing equipment development LTD.

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  Company Description
Beijing YaDong car wash equipment CO., LTD. is modern company that gathers the research and produce, sell for intgrel whole. The company technique power and developed is strong, and usually go together the operator with Germany, Japan, Taiwan and much more local house to do technique exchanges cooperate, backlog abundant experice“YaDong brand” full-automatic automobile of the good quality of the development leans the equipments, and have the honor of acqiring the high new technique of the science technique committee of Beijing City to affirm.

It needs stratagem for business development. Business development strategy is the stratagem on integrity, long-term and essentiality of corporate development. Business development strategy is characterized by four factors, including integrity, long-term, essentiality and strategy. Integrity is opposite to locality, and long term to short term, and essentiality to concreteness, and strategy to routine. Business development strategy must possess the four characteristics at a time.
Business development strategy is not a middle or long term plan of business development, but its soul and guiding principle. Business development strategy guides the middle or long term plan of corporate development, and the latter fulfills the former. The former is key line, while the latter is item.
Development Strategy of YaDong-carwash:
1. Depending on professional quality and 26 years’experience, and constructing the network of Chinese car-washing industry.
1). Distributing more than 4000 equipment within 6 years.
2). Transplanting factory to Mainland China in 6 years. Expanding production scale, cutting cost, increasing product integrity and serving more car-washing operators
3). Launching market in 8 years.
2. Taking European Style, promoting the highest quality of car washing, and increasing the entire quality of Chinese car washing industry.
Aim: Let everyone in touch with YaDong-carwasher feel the quality life of car washing, and let more car-lovers understand the connotation of car quality life.
3. YaDong-carwasher develops and expands toward high-tech car washing service.
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  Contact information
Company :  Beijing YaDong automatic car-washing equipment development LTD.
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Car Wash Machine
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