Kaluoni Established in 2004, kaluoni Leather Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer of various bags. Our products include ladies' handbag,fashion handbag, leather handbag,designer handbag. All of the products are exported to worldwide markets with high quality.
During over 5 years of successful operation, we have made friends in the field around the world. We experience to produce the bags for kinds of worldwide famous brands such as CoCo etc.
Currently our factory has more than 200 workers with more than 4 workshops from tailoring department, sewing department, printing department and high frequency department to packing department.
From these years' experiences accumulation in the field of bag's development, we have got the strong capacity in design and development. Everyday and every week our designers and sample makers get the new fashion design for bags, which are showed in our showroom and our shops.
With the principle of "Honesty is Kaluoni's first principle', we would like to offer our best products and services to the customers. If you are interested in any of our products, please feel free to contact for more information.
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