The Company Profile of Dafen Nantian Painting Studio
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Dafen Nantian Painting Studio

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  Company Description
We are a profeesional oil painting art studio that can reproduct/ imitate any oil paintings.
We have our own studios and artists, there are fixed and cooperation artist around 50 people. according to different categories of subject, we'll appoint senior artist to supervise the quality of every order. Our oil paintings export to Europe, United States and Canada and other countries and regions.

About the price, please check the attachment. It is only a general price list, the exact price will vary accoring to content, size and quantity.

Normally, The cooperation between us and the customer is: Direct Wholesale.
-First,Customers provide us pictures or visit our web to select pictures, then tell us the number, size, quantity and other information, so we can give a exact price list.
-Second, Depending on the situation, customers pay the deposit or the whole amount of money.
-Third, we begin to paint the paintings.
-After the paintings finished, we'll take photos for you to confirm.
-Then, customer pay the rest of money and delivery cost.
-Finally, we arrange delivery.
The above is our order process.

If you need more information or have any problem ,please contact contact ne as soon as possible.
abstract oil painting, modern oil painting, traditional oil painting, still life oil painting, decorative oil painting, canvas oil painting, handmade oil painting, portrait oil painting, flower oil painting, scenery oil painting, landscape oil painting, seacape oil painting, nude oil painting, animal oil painting, classical oil painting, realist oil painting, realism oil painting, printed oil painting, hand painted oil painting, pop art oil painting

  Contact information
Company :  Dafen Nantian Painting Studio
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Canvas Oil Painting
2. Decorative Oil Painting
3. Hand Painted Oil Painting
4. Handmade Oil Painting
5. Wholesale Art Oilpaintings
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