The Company Profile of Qingdao Longtech Machinery Co., Ltd
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Qingdao Longtech Machinery Co., Ltd

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  Company Description
Qingdao Langtech Machinery Co., Ltd, located in Qingdao high technology zone Laoshan district and near Laoshan Mountain, is one high technology personal company specialized in GRP winding pipes machinery and pipes research and production. The GRP products made by our company is introduced by China Construction Department and is one kind of green, energy save and high efficiency items and with high investment return-back ratio.
Since foundation, Qingdao Longtech Machinery Company holds faith of “Independent research, Technology Innovation and Return back to Society” and specialized in composite material winding technology research and development. Glass Fiber Continuous Winding Technology mixed our company’s personal winding technology and pipe production experience and it is one international technology product and changes the history of traditional GRP production. Glass Fiber Continuous Winding Pipes will have one bright market and future.
GRP pipe line, FRP winding pipe machine, plastic machines, GRP fittings, GRP testing system

  Contact information
Company :  Qingdao Longtech Machinery Co., Ltd
Email:  Contact us
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Country :  China
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1. Filament GRP Pipe Winding Fiber Machine
2. GRP Continuous Winding Pipe Production Line
3. GRP Coupling Socket Machine
4. GRP Pipes Hydraulic Pressure Test Machine
5. Ring Stiffness Testing Machine
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