The Company Profile of Kotekakui Ltd
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Kotekakui Ltd

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  Company Description
We are supplier for Electronics. We based on Singapore and ready to shipment international since 1999. Our company has been approved by local government.

Customer satisfaction is number 1 priority. With high quality, relative competitive price, and first-class service, We have a direct account for key components with suppliers in the US, Korea and the Taiwan area, enabling us to source quality parts faster at a lower cost.

Our products are exported to international markets including the USA, Southeast Asia and Europe. Our policy is "to create value for our customers". We will cooperate closely with our partners around the world to establish a worldwide sales network. Please feel free to contact us for more details.
Laptop, Ipod, Xbox, Sony PSP, Camcorder

  Contact information
Company :  Kotekakui Ltd
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  Singapore
Address :  *********

1. Dell XPS M1710
2. Dell XPS M2010
3. IPOD MP3/4 PLAYERS Black Or White
4. Sony Playstation Portable (PSP)
5. Xbox 360
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