The Company Profile of Ningbo Dione Electric Co.,Ltd
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Ningbo Dione Electric Co.,Ltd

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  Company Description
Ningbo Dione Electric Co.,Ltd is a mould company, is specialized in making mould and Plastic products,is built byYuyao Keda Mould Co.,Ltd and foreign invester.It locates in Yuyao Simen ,the home of the mould.The company occupys 12000 square meters .

The company has fixed capital about 5,000,000.00 ,and produce more than 600 pcs,we make variety plastic and rubber mould and product,such as electric appliance shell, mineral lamp fittings,ventilaton fan fittings , automobile plastic fitting s,tub fittings and so on..Our business spreas to the home and abroad, in mainland ,there are Feidiao in Shanghai,;Songri, Zhengtai in Zhejiang;Mineral compays in Fushun Liaoning ,At abroad,there are Plasto,Glamox in Norway, Cammiz in Italy ,Volvo in Sweden, MAG in Mexico.

Ningbo Dione Electric Co.,Ltd has a series of advance equipments and devices----CNC ,Wire cuting ,Electric impulse ,Injection , robot ,etc machine ,and build the net system,making the materail share each other,.At the same time ,we have a eigneers group which has rich experience
plastic molud, plastic products

  Contact information
Company :  Ningbo Dione Electric Co.,Ltd
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
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Fax :  *********
Country :  China
Address :  *********

1. Ningbo Dione Electirc Co.,Ltd
2. Plastic Injection Mould
3. Plastic Injection Mould
4. Plastic Injection Mould
5. Plastic Injection Mould
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