The Company Profile of Rhodes Management Group
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Rhodes Management Group

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  Company Description
We are a group of professional latin-american that speaks your same language, called by the passion in the International Business (International Commerce), with clear objectives and that enjoy in sharing their achievements with the others.
RHODES MANAGEMENT GROUP LTD., is a business born in 1996, leader in the offering of commodities for the industry and the farming, and exists to offer solutions that surpass the demands of the highly competitive environment of today and of the tomorrow.
Due to the globalization of the world economy, the opening of markets and the fall of the commercial borders, we decided to enter into the international markets with a new image and with the main mission to be leaders in the commodities provision field and specialties for the industry, competing in quality, technology and service, set against the large multinational consortiums.
Globalization that contributes and feeds back from the constant development of the communications and of the transportation, tools which allow us, added to our privileged geographical location in the region, to visit any point of the continent in quick form. Our philosophy and our objective is to go beyond the mere commitment, and to reach the true delight of the client is the goal in each effort undertaken. It is for such motive that we offer the maximum Security in our commercial relations.
What is the Security then? ... It is when, based on experiences, we have the certainty to obtain the results that we seek. With that end, we have obtained representations of important multinational businesses, that extol and give prestige to the name of our company.

獨here we are?
We are located geographically in whole Latin America, in order to being the closer as possible to our clients. Our house headquarters is divided into Uruguay administration, and a second operating headquarters, by its geographical position, that is in the city of Asunci鏮, Paraguay.

獨hat do we seek?
Interested suppliers whose goal is to associate to an attractive massive market of consumption, where we are in charge of the sales, speaking the same language that the Latin Americans, but attending and understanding very well the idiosyncrasies of our suppliers. That it is why we seek commercial partners , where the fundamental tool for us is the FIDELITY.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon, we would like to thank the time offered, and remain waiting the opportunity to start a long term business cooperation between both companies.

Very truly yours,

Richard Davison

agrochemicals, fertilizing, excipients, pharmarceutical, nutraceutical, vitamins, organic chemicals, inorganic chemicals, pigments for paints, plastics and printing inks, additives of foodstuff, omega 3 and omega 6, intermediates, cosmetics, flavours and fragances, water treatment,seeds, grains, metals, cement, plastics, organics, aquiculture, and others

  Contact information
Company :  Rhodes Management Group
Email:  Contact us
URL:  ********
Phone:  *********
Fax :  *********
Country :  Uruguay
Address :  *********

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