The Company Profile of Vik`s Wonder Asia AG.
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Vik`s Wonder Asia AG.

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** Surprising Hangover Killer Drink - Vik`s Wonder (30ml)
Vik's Wonder (Magical mystery drink!) is overcome hangover
and thirst coming from excessive uses of alcoholic
beverages and protect human liver from alcoholic damages by
energizing its functions for detoxifications and alcohol
As well as dietary health herbal drink to lose weight and
keep the human organs as clean as possible, balancing, &
lowering blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol level.
Incidentally protecting organs from cancer cells and
protecting bowel cellulars.

*Raw material ; Artichoke(U.S FDA Testimony of a witness,
Approval) by raw material Germany develop .

lcachofra is the Brazilian name for the globe artichoke. A
member of the milk thistle family, it grows to a height of
about 2 m and produces a large, violet-green flower head.
The flower petals and fleshy flower bottoms are eaten as a
vegetable throughout the world, which has led to its
commercial cultivation in many parts of South and North
America (chiefly California) as well as in Europe. The
artichoke was used as a food and medicine by the ancient
Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans; in Rome, the artichoke was
an important menu item at feasts. It wasn't until the
fifteenth century, however, that it made its appearance
throughout Europe.

*Effect ; Drink before & after. Chaser or Mixer with
alcohols. (30#40 minute/ 44% lowering of alcohol
Refreshing Beverage as Quencher or Dietary Health Drink.
This drink is recommended for anyone who has following
troubles with alcohol; Consuming alcohol daily/ Losing
controls easily when consuming alcohol/ Becoming enervated
the next day.
Feeling neasea or vomiting, stomachaches, diarrhea, a
splitting headache, etc.
Also recommended for health conscious people as a dietary
natural drink of minimum calorie.
Artichoke has been used in traditional medicine for
centuries as a specific liver and gallbladder remedy. In
Brazilian herbal medicine systems, leaf preparations are
used for liver and gallbladder problems, diabetes, high
cholesterol and hypertension, anemia, diarrhea (and
elimination in general), fevers, ulcers, and gout. In
Europe it is also used for liver and gallbladder disorders;
in several countries, standardized herbal drugs are
manufactured and sold as prescription drugs for high
cholesterol and digestive and liver disorders. Other uses
around the world include treatment for dyspepsia and
chronic albuminuria. A French patent has been filed which
describes an artichoke extract for treating liver disease,
high cholesterol levels, and kidney insufficiency. In all
herbal medicine systems where it is employed, artichoke is
considered to be a cholagogue (increases bile production in
the liver), choleretic (increases flow of bile from the
gallbladder), and choliokinetic (increases contractive
power of the bile duct). It is often used to mobilize fatty
stores in the liver and detoxify it, and as a natural aid
to lower cholesterol.
The artichoke is popular for its pleasant bitter taste
which is attributed mostly to a phytochemical called
cynarin found in the green parts of the plant. Cynarin, a
caffeoylquinic acid, is considered one of artichoke's main
biologically active chemicals. It occurs in the highest
concentration in the leaves of the plant, which is why leaf
extracts are most commonly employed in herbal medicine.
Other documented "active" chemicals include flavonoids,
sesquiterpene lactones, polyphenols and other
caffeoylquinic acids.

Thank you! Germany Morgenpost -

Vik`s Wonder Asia AG. (Licensed by ; IHV Gmbh Germany.)
drink, beverages, hangover

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