I would like to introduce our company to yours.
We have two products, which may interest you.
Both of these products make driving safe while using a cell
The two products are:
1) Wireless Headset for your cell phone
2) Nokia Speakerphone Battery
The wireless headset is a universal headset, which can work
with any cell phone. There are no wires attaching one to
the cell phone and the headset, allowing for mobility. The
batteries are rechargeable through an adapter that we
The Nokia Speakerphone battery converts your cellular phone
for hands-free use at the flip of a switch, while driving,
working or anytime. It even provides clear convenient hands-
free use as a speakerphone for business meetings or other
This new speakerphone Battery helps you avoid the concern
of radiation hazards caused by cell phone usage. Now you
can talk, and listen, with your cell phone while driving,
without holding your cell phone. By eliminating direct
contact with your head, ear and brain, you can now reduce
the radiation concern from cellular/Mobile phones.